Strafford County Commissioners
Request for Bid/Proposal
Strafford County Commissioners will accept sealed proposals for the following item(s):
Roof Replacement – Hyder Hospital House

Strafford County is currently soliciting bids for the replacement of two different roofs in the county complex.
You are welcome to bid on one or both projects.
The first roof is the pitched and shingled roof of the Hyder Family Hospice House.
The second is the flat roof of the William A. Grimes Justice and Administration Building (the County Courthouse) and is approximately 30,000 square feet. We are looking for a specific product for that roof. Details can be found in the bid documents.
The full bid documents are attached, but important dates are highlighted below:
Mandatory site review – Friday December 13th 8 AM Hyder Hospice House
9 AM County Courthouse
All bids must be submitted by December 20th at 9AM in the Commissioner’s Office.

We realize this is a very short timeline – we are trying to have the bid process completed before the new year.
Please see attached bid documents for complete information.
Thank you for your interest, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Mandatory Site Review December 13th@ 8:00 am at the Main Entrance of Hyder Hospice House, 285 County Farm Rd. Dover, NH
**All Bidders are required to attend this site review**

Bid Docs with signature page - Construction.pdf

Hyder pics and plans - roof.pdf

Hyder Roof Replacement - Nov 2024.pdf

Bid Worksheet for Hyder Roof 12.20.2024.pdf

This bid should be awarded later in January

Awarded* Hyder Roof Replacement Worksheet Bid Due 12.20.2024,pdf Awarded*

Specifications for the above are available by contacting Gwen Weisgarber @ 603-516-5132 or by visiting the Current Bids section of the county website. Bid proposals must be received by December 20th @ 9AM. All proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Hyder Hospice Roof” to the Strafford County Commissioners Office, 259 County Farm Road - Suite 204, Dover, NH 03820. The Strafford County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids/ proposals, to award the bid to other than the lowest bidder if deemed “bid most advantageous to the County” and to waive any defects in bids.