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Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 07:00pm
Hits : 562
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SUBJECT: Organizational Meeting - Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 7:00 p.m. with Public Access
Via Zoom:

Public Access Available Via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 817 5141 8690 Passcode: 624792
One tap mobile: +16469313860,,81751418690#,,,,*624792# US
Dial by your location: +1 646 931 3860 US

At the request of the Clerk of the House of Representatives, the date of the Organizational Meeting for the 2025-2026
Strafford County Delegation is 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 11, 2024, with a light dinner immediately before at
6:00 p.m. in the Café. This meeting will be held in Jury Assembly Room, Upper level of the Strafford County Justice and
Administration Building, 259 County Farm Road, Dover, New Hampshire􀀃but will provide remote access for the public
and will be held as noted above. During this meeting you will be asked to decide on the following issues:
• Organization of the County Delegation: Nominations and Elections of Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Clerk,
and Executive Committee Members
• How Documents will be delivered to Delegation Members
• Any Other Business Which May Legally Come Before the Delegation at that Time

For those of you who are new to the Legislature, your role in County government is very important. The Strafford
County Commissioners’ 2025 Proposed Budget will be submitted no later than January 15, 2025, and the Delegation
will begin meeting shortly thereafter to review and approve this document.
Enclosed with this memorandum are some important documents that we request you fill out and return as soon as
possible via email to Janet Hilber, Administrative Assistant, at, or the US Postal Service
(USPS). There may also be an Orientation for new Delegation members in the near future that will be scheduled at the
discretion of the 2025-2026 Chairman to review the specifics of County operations.
We look forward to seeing you all on December 11, 2024. If you are unable to attend this􀀃important􀀃meeting􀀃or􀀃have􀀃
any􀀃questions, please contact Janet Hilber, Administrative Assistant, at 603-516-7100.

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2024, 7:00 P.M.
Jury Assembly Room, Upper Level
Public Access Available Via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 817 5141 8690 Passcode: 624792
One tap mobile: +16469313860,,81751418690#,,,,*624792# US
Dial by your location: +1 646 931 3860 US

Notice is hereby given that at the request of the Clerk of the House of Representatives, the date of the Organizational Meeting
for the 2025-2026 Strafford County Delegation is Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting will be held in Jury
Assembly Room, Upper Level of the Justice and Administration Building, 259 County Farm Road, Dover, New Hampshire with
public access available via Zoom as noted above. During this meeting, the following business will be conducted:

1. 2025-2026 Chairman or Vice Chairman Call Delegation Meeting to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
3. Moment of Silent Meditation
4. Motion to Nominate Temporary Clerk
5. Temporary Clerk Reads Notice of Public Meeting and Roll Call
6. 2025-2026 Chairman or Vice Chairman Opens Nominations for Temporary Chairman and Vote
7. Temporary Chairman Calls Recess for Caucus for Democratic and Republican Party Members for 15 minutes
8. Return from Recess; Accept Nominations for 2025-2026 Delegation Chairman and Vote
9. New Chairman Accepts Nominations for 2025-2026 Vice Chairman and Vote
10. New Chairman Accepts Nominations for 2025-2026 Clerk and Vote
11. Motion to Accept Executive Committee Selection Process
12. Motion to Allow Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Clerk to be Voting Members of Executive Committee
13. Recess to Caucus for Executive Committee Nominations and Votes: 15 Members, excluding 3 Officers = 12 Members
14. Reconvene: Chairman Hears Republicans’ Nominations for Executive Committee and Democrats’ Nominations for
Executive Committee for the 2025-2026 Term Based on Proportions Similar to Election Results
15. Chairman Reads Nominations for Members of Executive Committee by Republicans and Democrats for the Record
16. Recognize County Commission Chairman to Speak; Introduce Commissioners and Elected Officials
17. Discuss and Vote on How Documents will be Delivered to Delegation Members
18. Any Other Business Which May Legally Come Before the Delegation at That Time
19. Call for Adjournment




Location Jury Assembly Room, Second Floor of the William A. Grimes Justice and Administration Building