Strafford County Attorney’s Office in New Hampshire recently had the opportunity to host a delegation of prosecutors from Mongolia

Mongolian Delegation collage

The USAG's Office, the State AG's Office, and the Strafford County Attorney’s Office in New Hampshire recently had the opportunity to host a delegation of prosecutors from Mongolia. Facilitated by Friends Forever International, a nonprofit organization committed to promoting peace and understanding across cultural divides, and Amelia Burke, their dedicated facilitator. The purpose of the visit was to allow the Mongolian prosecutors to gain insights into the US justice system.

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The visit began with a welcome by the County Attorney's Office, where they emphasized the importance of sharing knowledge and experiences to enhance the justice system worldwide. The County Attorney's Office also highlighted the significance of international partnerships and collaborations to improve the effectiveness of justice systems

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During their visit, the Mongolian prosecutors had the opportunity to observe various court systems and meet with prosecutors and judges in the state. They also visited various state institutions, including correctional facilities and legal aid clinics, to gain a broader understanding of the US justice system.

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The Strafford County Attorney’s Office spent time with the delegation between its visits to the United States Attorney and the State Attorney General Offices. The County Attorney, Thomas P. Velardi, emphasized the importance of the exchange, and shared: “The County was honored to have the opportunity to host the delegation of prosecutors from Mongolia and share experiences between our justice system in the United States and theirs in Mongolia. It is so striking that we had so much more in common in our respective roles than any one of us might have imagined prior to meeting. We hope this visit will help strengthen the relationship between our countries and promote justice for all globally".

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The Mongolian prosecutors expressed their appreciation for the warm welcome they received during their visit and the knowledge they gained about the US justice system. They noted that the visit would have a significant impact on their work and would help them in their efforts to enhance the Mongolian justice system.

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The visit by the Mongolian prosecutors is an excellent example of the importance of international partnerships and collaborations in promoting justice worldwide. It is also a testament to the willingness of various institutions and organizations to share knowledge and experiences to improve justice systems globally. As the world becomes more interconnected, such partnerships and collaborations are critical in promoting a fair and just world.